PPSC exam preparation tips

What are the preparation tips for PPSC?

6 उत्तर
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6 उत्तर
  • I have some strategies that might help you to crack the exam but do follow it regularly.
    They are:
    Know the history and geography of the state.
    Boost up to work hard:
    As I told you it is not easy to crack any civil services exam and as you know the competition is high so we have to be prepared mentally and ready for the hard work. Studying daily a few hours will make you crack the exam.
    Get familiarize with the syllabus
    Your general knowledge level should be good enough so you can remember some important things. Purchase a GK book read it daily.
    Show some keen to the current state affairs. Analysis is must.
    Since the exam is time consuming try to manange within a shorter duration. You should work hard on your proficiency and accuracy.
    Master the state language.
    And very important try to solve as many previous year questions you can solve. I know many say this but trust me this is the best way to crack the exam and you will. Purchase any PCS book and try to solve it twice.

  • ha

  • if anyone have past exam experience share it

  • hey plz share questions

  • Whr from i get previous papers???

  • 1. Go through the previous question papers: it's the foremost necessary a part of your strategy to take a position some time to travel through the parliamentary law papers. An intensive insight of the past papers can solve two purposes. One it will appraise you about the standards of the question being asked and second will constantly guide you throughout your preparation.
    2. Choice of books: it's suggested to not undergo lots of books, instead trust one standard book on every topic that deals with the essential ideas. . Standard books not only save your time but also enrich you with right knowledge. Thus perpetually trust one quality book and not on several books.
    3. Create your own notes: it's perpetually advisable to form notes of the connected topics as you undergo the books and different study material. 
    4. Strategy for General Studies: General studies paper is equally necessary for Prelims and Mains examination. It covers everything below the sun. However there's nothing to panic, a look over the last years question' paper can create things a lot of easier for you. 
    5. Current affairs: browsing a regular newspaper daily will keep you updated on current affairs topics.

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