WBSSC exam pattern 2016

What is the exam pattern of WBSSC exam?

3 उत्तर
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3 उत्तर
  • i dont know


    Hi deepshikha, sharing the examination pattern for Paper-I WBSSC LDC test is given below:
    • Part-I can carry one hundred marks having one hundred queries of one (one) mark each.
    • Part-I consists of multiple selection objective kind queries on English (30 marks), General Studies (40 marks) and Arithmetic (30 marks).
    • The length of Part-I Examination are going to be for one hour and half-hour.
    • There is not any negative marking.
    There are three subjects- English, General studies & Arithmetic. English & Arithmetic have thirty queries every and thirty mark every. General Studies has forty queries carrying forty marks in total. Total time given is ninety minutes.
    The examination Pattern for Paper-II WBSSC LDC test is given below:
    • The Part-II shall include typical kind queries on
    (a) A – English, carrying fifty marks
    (b)Group B – Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali carrying fifty marks.
    • The total length of Part-II Examination are going to be for one hour. So all the very best for your exam!!

    मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए