GRE - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, Answer, time?

GRE - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, Answer, time? PLEASE TELL

  • Pallavi
  • 01 दिसम्बर
  • 5721 दृश्य
  • 5 उत्तर
Your Answer

GRE Test Pattern 2018
The GRE Test Pattern has three sections- Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. The total duration of the GRE 2018 is 3 hours 40 minutes. Besides the main academic sections, there are two other variable sections and a 10-minute break is given after the third (Quantitative Reasoning) section during the GRE Test 2018.
The two variable sections are Unscored and the Research section, which do not count toward the actual GRE 2018 score. The GRE test pattern 2018 includes six GRE subject tests. They are Biology, Chemistry, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology. Each subject has a different test pattern. The GRE2018 Subject Tests are offered in paper-based format. Candidates can take the test worldwide three times in a year in September, October and April. The GRE 2018 Subject test is 2 hours and 50 minutes duration

The syllabus for GRE Exam is as follows:
Verbal Reasoning
Analyse & draw conclusions
Understand and add value to incomplete data
Identify the perception of author
Identify vital points & differentiate between relevant & irrelevant points
Understand & Summarise the structure of text
Understand the meanings of words, sentences & entire texts
Understand relationships among words & among concepts.
Quantitative Reasoning
Understand & Analyse Quantitative Information
Interpret Quantitative Information Correctly
Solve Problems using Mathematical Models
Apply basic Mathematical Skills & Concepts of Arithmetic
Apply basic Mathematical Skills & Concepts of Algebra
Apply basic Mathematical Skills & Concepts of Geometry
Apply basic Mathematical Skills & Concepts of Data Interpretation
Analytical Writing
Articulate Complex Ideas effectively with clarity
Support ideas with relevant reasons & examples
Examine claims & accompanying evidence
Sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion

Computer-Based Revised General Test:
Analytical Writing: One Section with separately timed tasks
Analyze an Issue – 30 minutes
Analyze an Argument – 30 minutes
Verbal Reasoning
Two 30 – minute sections – 20 questions per section
Quantitative Reasoning
Two 35 – minute sections – 20 questions per sections
Paper Based revised General Test:
Analytical Writing
: Two sections – one writing task per section:
Analyze an Issue – 30 minutes
Analyse an Argument – 30 minutes
Verbal Reasoning
Two 35 – minute sections – 25 questions per section
Quantitative Reasoning
Two 40 – minute sections – 25 questions per sections

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