dates when i can register for that form..

  • Madhu
  • 11 Jul
  • 3 Answers
Your Answer

There are no specific test dates for GRE® General Test. The computer-based GRE Test 2018 is offered year-round at Prometric test centres. Aspirants can take the exam as per their requirement. They can take the GRE 2018 once every 21 days, up to five times within a 12-month period. This applies even if the candidate has cancelled his/her scores on a test taken previously. Also, the GRE test date 2018, depends on the availability of the test centre selected by the candidate. If the seats in the specific test centre are filled on that date, the aspirant has to either select a new date or go to a different test location. However, you have to first create a ‘My GRE Account’ in order to register for a specific date.

The registration fee to take the GRE is $205. This is cheaper than the $250 fee that you have to pay for GMAT. ETS is also willing to be flexible on the GRE test fee for test takers who can prove their financial hardship.
There are extra charges ($50) if you want to change your center or reschedule the test.
The GRE exam fees in Indian currency (Rupees) is INR 13,500. This test pricing is based on an exchange rate of 66 Rupees/Dollar. Use the prevailing rate to find the latest registration cost of the GRE test in rupees.

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