clat tips for exam

clat tips for exam

Your Answer

To prepare for English, you can begin by strengthening you grammar by going back to the basics and understanding them once again. It will be a good idea to start reading an English newspaper and English magazines on a regular basis. For General knowledge Keep yourself abreast with the latest happenings within India and around the world Attempt as many mock tests as possible. There are many available online. For Maths Refer to past question papers and see which topics are being repeated. Prepare them first and then move on to the other topics
Clear your concepts thoroughly. Once you have a clear concept of the topics, it will be easy for you to answer them. For Legal Aptitude Understand the question thoroughly and come to a logical conclusion
Try to time yourself when you are attempting this section so that you know exactly how much time is to be spent on each question..and in the last for Logical reasoning Refer to logical reasoning books and solve as many problems as possible..Take as many online tests as possible..Learn tricks and short cuts to solve the problems easily

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