Key Highlight
of Lsat
• Mode of examination: • Medium of examination:
Offline English
10+2 level exam
Registration Fee
INR. 3800/- for all candidates. Fee has to paid in online mode through credit/debit cards.
Admit Card
Download LSAT India Admit Card from the official website of the exam.

LSAT India Exam Pattern

•             Mode of examination: Offline

•             Medium of examination: English

•             Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes total, 35 minutes to attempt each section

•             Number of Questions: 92 to 100 MCQs

•             Total marks: 100 (in percentile)

•             Section: 4, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning 1 & 2, Reading Comprehension

•             Negative Marking Scheme: None


Registration/ Application Process

Candidate need to log on to the official website of Law School Admission Council, India to fill the application form with all the required details and documents asked. The application process has to be done in online mode only. Candidates will get a LSAT—India registration number after successfully submitting the application with LSAC. This registration number will be asked by respective law colleges/universities at the time of admission.

Application Fee - INR. 3800/- for all candidates. Fee has to paid in online mode through credit/debit cards.

LSAT India Eligibility

LSAT has issued no such prerequisites. But it is preferred that candidates have cleared or appeared for their 10+2 level exam if they are seeking admissions in LLB programmes. The Council may let you take the test on this basis, but the associated law schools/colleges will not follow this criterion.

More than 85 Indian Law Institutes are associated with LSAC and accept LSAT score for that matter.

However, these colleges/universities will have their own separate eligibility criteria, which the candidates are required to meet in all aspects. Therefore, candidates must understand the college eligibility schemes before applying for that college.  

Age Limit:

None, by the standards of LSAT-India. Associated colleges may or may not have age criteria. Candidates will have to make sure of it by themselves by making the required inquiries.


LSAT Exam Pattern 

LSAT India exam sectionsNo. of MCQsAllotted time


  • 1st Logical Reasoning24 (approx.)35 minutes
  • 2nd Logical Reasoning24 (approx.)35 minutes
  • Analytical Reasoning24 (approx.)35 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension24 (approx.)35 minutes
  • Total Question: 92-100  Exam Timing: 2 hours 20 minutes

LSAT  Exam Pattern: Mode
Pearson VUE on behalf of Law School Admission Council (LSAC) will conduct the LSAT India exam in a pen and paper format or in an offline mode.
LSAT Duration
The duration of the LSAT India 2020 will be 2 hours and 20 minutes wherein each of the four sections of the paper needs to be completed in a time-frame of 35 minutes, after and before which no question of other sections can be attempted.
LSAT Centres
Pearson VUE will hold the LSAT India 2020 admission test in as many as 16 cities across India including Delhi (NCR), Hyderabad, Bhopal and Ranchi.

LSAT: Number of questions
There will be a minimum of 92 and a maximum of 100 questions of objective nature with multiple-choices in the LSAT India 2020 entrance exam.
LSAT: Marking Scheme
There will be no such significant differences in the marking scheme for different sections of LSAT India 2020 question paper, as every section has equal weightage and score. Score of the test takers will be percentile based, calculated on the total number of correct attempts. There will be no negative marking for any wrong attempts.

LSAT: Sections and distribution of questions
LSAT India 2020 question will comprise questions, majorly from three sections– Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Reading & Comprehension, wherein the Logical Reasoning section will be further classified into LR I and LR II sections. Each of the sections will approximately have 24 questions bringing the total number of questions being asked between 92-100. Each section is required to be attempted in a time limit of 35 minutes.

LSAT Syllabus topics:

Reading Comprehension: 
Reading Comprehension measures the candidate’s ability to read, with critical understanding and insight. It consists of lengthy and complex materials similar to those to be studied in law schools. This section consists of four sets of questions, each consisting of a selection of reading material needing evaluation. The reading materials are followed by five to eight questions that test the candidate’s reasoning abilities.

Analytical Reasoning:
Analytical Reasoning tests the ability of a candidate to understand a structure of relationships and draw logical conclusions from it. Candidates are asked to deduce conclusions from a set of statements or principles that describe relationships among persons, things or events. Basically, the Analytical Reasoning section reflects insightful analyses that law students will have to perform during their law study programme at law schools abroad.

Logical Reasoning: 
Logical reasoning section assesses the ability of a law school aspirant to analyse, evaluate and complete arguments. Each question in this section requires the test taker to read and comprehend a short passage, then answer a question about it. The questions evaluate a candidate’s skills that include thinking critically, which is vital in legal reasoning. The LSAT syllabus covers questions that test a student’s ability to draw appropriate conclusions, reason by analogy, determine how additional evidence affects arguments, and importantly applying principles or rules in identifying flaws in arguments.


Tips to crack LSAT 

Students who do well on the LSAT tend to be good readers who possess a good vocabulary and who can sustain the pressure of answering questions in short time as the test requires you to deal with four sections. For the overall preparation, LSAT prep is similar to other exams in the sense that you can either take the route of self-studying or attend coaching classes. For self-study you need motivation and self-discipline, to continue with the routine. This method will definitely help you save lots of time and money. However, if you feel you learn best in a classroom environment, then attending coaching classes is not a bad deal. Remember that you can choose to study on your own or through professional help, there is no right or wrong way.

•             You need speed to finish LSAT 2020 within prescribed time limit. Go through the topics in the LSAT Syllabus and start with the ones that you are good at. Practise Writing/Language and reasoning problems by memorising formulas.

•             After each study session keep 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised.

•             Make logical reasoning  your strong suit, practise questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. The trick here is to mug up some common logical formulas by heart, so they come in handy while solving a problem.

•             Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is not a factor here. Therefore, attempt all questions.

•             Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.

•             Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.

•             It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

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