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A square has two of its vertices on a circle and the other two are on a tangent to the circle. Find the area of the square if the radius of the circle is 5 units.

(1) 64 sq. units (2) 36 sq. units  (3) 50 sq. units  (4) 100 sq. units

  • Ajay
  • 10 Answers
10 Answers
  • Let us consider side of square is 'a' Then on usin Pythagoras theorem we have this eq. ((2*(a^2))/4)=(100+(a^2))/4 On solving the avobe eq we get a= +10,-10, Then the side of square is 10 So the area of square is 10 * 10=100 sq. unit

  • 50

  • 50

  • 3) 50 sq. units

  • 50

  • 50


  • 50

  • 100


  • 3: 50 sq. units

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