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is the marks obtained in graduation matters for placement?


  • Kumari
  • 12 Answers
12 Answers
  • Actually it varies from company to company. Because some company see your marks and some are there to judge you on ur skills and practical knowledge.

  • Yes , marks scored in graduation do matter for placement.Many companies have some criteria for good marks in graduation .If the canditate has that much of marks then only he/she will be eligible for campus drive or interview.sooo , percentage matters a lot for placement.

  • many companies have specific criteria for this. So, percentage of marks matters a lot in placement.

  • I think percentage matters but only for some companies but for some company talent matters

  • yes marks is very important for placement but u having a good communication skills and confidence or any other skills so its will be replace.

  • We can break it into two rounds:br /1. In screening the graduation marks matter the most. If you don't have the cutoff set by the company then you will just have to /2. On the other hand no one will give a damn about them in the other rounds. Like in interview marks don't matter your soft skills do. Also in the intermediate rounds your skills matter.

  • Yes, marks also play a role. You need to have a decent percentile to attend placements. About 70 is enough for you to get get into placements and any percentile wouldnot make much effect as they concentrate more on your skills rather than on marks.

  • Sometimes the marks obtained in graduation matters for placement because many companies focused on this  whereas it doesn't matter.

  • maintain a decent CGPA... somewhere around 8 CGPA should be good enough to qualify the cut off of most companies.. what matters is your performance in the written and interview.. Graduation marks are just a cut off

  • not always but u have to maintain atleast cut off criteria

  • No actually a decent percentage about 70+ is awesome for any company..companies ask for skills they know anyone can get marks by cramming..

  • Yes of course, many companies have specific criteria for this. So, percentage of marks matters a lot in placement. 

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