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Why calcium is the only element which remain in older leaves

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  • Gadakh
  • 7 Answers
7 Answers
  • .ca is immobile and it can not be mobilised to younger parts

  • Because calcium is immobile ion present in plants. (For more info refer NCERT 1, MINERAL NUTRITION)

  • ca is an immobile element which can not be mobilised to younger leaves easily. That's why it is found in older leaves.

  • plz refer NCERT XI BIO PAGE 198 Last paragraghbr /it is written that element like calcium is a part of component of the cell and hence is not easily released. 

  • calcium and sulphur are present in structural components. When there is deficiency of these elements its not possible to break the structures i.e. these are immobile... Thus calcium as well as sulphur remain in old leaves

  • it is the structural protien and it is immobile


  • Calcium occurs throughout the entire plant. It is used for many of the life processes in the plant; however, calcium is most important for the growth process. It has a regulating effect in the cells and contributes to the stability of the plant..Since calcium can be transported almost exclusively through the xylem vessels, it is an element that possesses little mobility within the plant. It is, therefore, important that a sufficient amount of calcium is always available in the root environment, so that it will be continuously available for absorption by the plant....

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