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Magic bullets was obtained from- a. Fungi b. Bacteria c. BGA d. Protista

without taking help of any reference give the ans😏😏

  • Ridhima
  • 14 Answers
14 Answers
  • bga

  • salvarsa, the first effective drug for syphilis, was obtained from hundreds of related organoarsenic compounds,which was used to kill  parasitic bacterium known as Treponema pallidum the triggering cause of syphilis.


  • bacteria


  • Bacteria

  • 1


  • bacteria


  • magic bullets/penicillin/ wonder drug is obtained by fungi😃


  • bacteria

  • first magic bullet salvarsan

  • bacteria like spirocheate but now a days magic bullets has been replaced by antibiotics as antibiotics have less toxic effect the first magic bullet was compound 606

  • bacteria


  • bacteria


  • bacteria


  • you give the ans.


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