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surgical removal of uterus is called ?can anybody tell me about this

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  • Govind
  • 9 Answers
9 Answers
  • hysterectomy

  • Hysterectomy

  • hysterectomy

  • surgical removal of uterus is called hysterectomy. the uterus is also known as womb where the baby will grow. this can be performed due to any cancer or infections. it depends whether to remove the whole uterus or just ovaries and fallopian tubes. once you are done with hysterectomy there wont be menstrual period or you cannot be pregnant 

  • hysterectomy because uterus is also called as hystera

  • it's surgical removal of uterus due to any problems or deformities

  • uterus fibroid treatment

  • hyesterctomy


  • Hysterectomy i.e. surgical removal of uterus . it only includes ovarian changes


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