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I have not joined any classes for NEET entrance n ibwants to practice at home BT I don't get how to practice in a proper way n also I have difficulty in solving the numerical of physics

ans plzz

  • Arati
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • first your all concept from H.C.V and other books then try to solve iit mains question for physics and chemistry and last year neet question for bio

  • Buy USS (universal self scorer)book errorless.

  • Buy mcq books...Look at solved problems...Read hc verma textbook. Buy schaum series books ...After looking at lots of solved problems u begin to think and begin to solve....It comes with practice.......

  • NCERT books clear all your concepts .. Solve the numericals from the NCERT books and  then afterwards try other books or online mock tests

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