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Practice Tests for Floriculturist (Open Cultivation) Asci Agriculture Sector Skill Council Of India

Memorize the concepts by taking free Health and Safety Free Rozgar Mela Practice Papers at Youth4Work. You can attempt this test multiple times and improve your score in the exam.

In order to crack NSDC Skill Test and gain professional certification and also training from Skill Council of India, you need to practice and understand the test pattern and learn about areas that need improvement. Know all about it in this section of practice papers and mocks based on Floriculturist Open Cultivation Skill.

Improve your knowledge by taking the latest Preparation and Cultivation DDUGKY Mock Test designed to give you a taste of the real exam and evaluate your skills.

Evaluate your performance by taking Harvest and Post-Harvest QP Mock Test Series. Here you will find all the practice tests to improve your accuracy and speed for the exam.

Agriculture Extension Service Provider

Animal Health Worker

Artificial Insemination Technician

Banana Farmer

Broiler Poultry Farm Worker

Bulb Crop Cultivator

Coffee Plantation Worker

Community Service Provider

Dairy Farmer and Entrepreneur

Dairy Worker

Floriculturist (Open Cultivation)

Floriculturist (Protected Cultivation)

Friends of Coconut Tree


Green House Fitter

Marine Capture Fisherman

Micro Irrigation Technician

Neera Technician

Paddy Farmer


Solanaceous Crop Cultivator

Soyabean Cultivator

Sugarcane Cultivator

Tea Plantation Worker

Tractor Operator

Tuber Crop Cultivator

Wheat Cultivator

Supply Chain Field Assistant

Solar Pump Technician

Bamboo Grower

Bee Keeper

Chillies Cultivator

Citrus Fruit Grower

Cotton Cultivator

Harvesting Machine Operator

Hatchery Production Worker Fishery

Mango Grower

Organic Grower

Quality Seed Grower

Seed Processing Worker

Shrimp Farmer

Warehouse Worker

माली Gardener