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what is computer


  • Ankit
  • 32 Answers
32 Answers
  • computer is a electronic device in which information is taken as a input and results are obtained as a output

  • computer is an electronic device

  • computer is very fast electrical mission n all problem slove fast

  • computer is very fast electrical mission n all problem slove fast

  • Computer is a electornic device. Through which can store retrieve and process data at any time we like.

  • Computer is an multipurpose, electronic device which accept the raw facts, and figure process it and gives the results as output.

  • computer is an electronic device which is used to solve airthmetical problem as well as logical problem very fast and accurate.

  • computer is an electronic device

  • Computer is an electronic machine which helps in solving problems quickly and easily.It solves problem according to instructions given to it by the computer user called programme or software.

  • computer is a electronic machine

  • C= Common  O= Oriented  M= Machine  P= Particularly  U= United and used under  T= Technical and  E= Educational  R= Research. 

  • computer is a electronic device.

  • computer is an electronic device which is common oriented machine particularly united and use technical and educational research and design to work with information.Its called as operating system.

  • computer is a electronic devices

  • boby

  • computer is an electronic device which convert row, data into meaningful information

  • Computer is an electronic device and commonly operating machine particularly used for technical, education and research.

  • computer is a electronic device

  • computer is a programmable electronic device

  • what is ??

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