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how to handle irate customer

plz tell me

  • Swati
  • 10 Answers
10 Answers
  • greet & listen to customer issue carefully. and provide value service to customer.

  • firstly give attention and listen carefully that what is problem with costumer and try to understand his problem and give best services according his budget

  • mukesh sharma

  • mukesh sharma

  • first step should be Active listening.and apologies the customer. and give assurance to the customer.try to ask relevant probing to know the reason of irateness. keep patience. and don't take it personally take it professionally. if u have some doubt ask to ur senior. hope u must handle irate customer.

  • 1. Greet and approach with smilly face 2. Identify customer needs 3. demonstration (FAB) 4. Solv questions ( that mean objections ) 5. Close the sale thank you sir/mam visit us again....have a nice day sir...

  • Social Approach,Product Approach,Service Approach Handle in Customer.

  • we can go through LAST modal which is stand for L-listen their queries A- apologize for the inconvenience. S - solve their problems T - say thanks about you let us know problem. if you have any queries please drop a message

  • By giving extra attention to customers.

  • keep calm otherwise don't waste the time leave this customer and walk up a new costumer

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