What is the eligibility criteria for Adobe?

What is the eligibility criteria for Adobe Placement ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

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5 Answers
  • Here are the eligibility criteria of ADOBE:
    passed outs candidates holding the degrees of BE / B. Tech / ME / MTech in any disciplines and scored above 60% in 10th, 12th and graduation are eligible.
    MCA with B.sc, BA, BCA, B. Com is also eligible for Adobe off Campus Drive.
    Moreover, candidates should not have any Backlog.
    Work experience should not be more than 3 years.
    The minimum age of the candidates should be 18 years.
    The maximum age of the candidates should be 25 years.

    Also, don't forget to watch our youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWrJL_VLx2o

  • The candidates should have got minimum 70% aggregate or 7 CPGA throughout their academic career. The Candidate should have a graduate or postgraduate degree in Bachelor of Engineering and technology from a well recognized institution.

  • Eligibility criteria for Adobe
    65% throughout in (Class X , XII) and 70% in graduation or CGPA 7.
    No backlogs at the time of applying.
    Aptitude Test section consists of data interpretation and logical reasoning questions. The section involves easy solving puzzles, coding, blood relations, tables, etc. . Also math questions from the topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, profit & loss, geometry, logarithms, etc. This section is of moderate level.
    Technical + Coding section consists of questions from C language, Data Structures and Bit Manipulation. This section was a bit tough and thorough preparation was required.
    Overall the level of the paper is moderate. But there is sectional time limit present in the test. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.
    For More Details on Adobe, please go here: -Adobe
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