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what is the syllabus of this written exam?


  • Nikhil
  • 6 Answers
6 Answers
  • 1)strong Quantitative Ability/strong section consists of maths questions from the following topics: algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, probability, profit & loss, geometry etc. This section is of moderate /2) strongVerbal Ability/strong section consists of comprehension passages, synonyms, antonyms, grammar, jumbled sentences /3) strongReasoning Ability/strong section consists of Venn Diagrams, Sitting Arrangements, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding etc.

  • Our whole engineering syllabus.. Aptitude test...some personality related questions...

  • strong Written Exam Syllabus for 3i Infotech./strongbr /strong1) Quantitative Aptitude/strongbr /Here candidates has to solve questions related to- Number Series,Simple and compound Interest, Mixtures, Probability, Logarithms, Time, Distance and Work, Probability, Permutation and Combinationbr /strong2) Reasoning Ability/strongbr /This portion checks the logic and reasoning power of the applicant. The topics under this are- Puzzle, Coding and Decoding, Direction Sense, Seating Arrangements, Binary Logic,Routes and /strong3) Verbal Syllabus/strongbr /This section covers the English portion of the applicants. The questions are covered as noted under- Reading the Comprehension, Analogies, Correction of the Sentence and detect the error in sentences, Fill in the blanks, One word Substitution,Spellings

  • ok

  • Hi Nikhil, there will be three sections in this written exam:br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongQuantitative Ability/strong section consists of maths questions from the following topics: algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, probability, profit & loss, geometry etc. This section is of moderate /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongVerbal Ability/strong section consists of comprehension passages, synonyms, antonyms, grammar, jumbled sentences /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongReasoning Ability/strong section consists of Venn Diagrams, Sitting Arrangements, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding / 

  • I think it will be similar as your final years syllabus. Am not sure nikhil

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