Can anyone have technical questions for technical round?

technical questions

2 Answers
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2 Answers
  • You have to study many things for this round, sharing some important points for this round:
    Technical Interview
    ·         Why star delta starter is preferred to induction motor?
    ·         State the difference between generator and alternator.
    ·         Why is back emf used for a dc motor? Highlight its significance.
    ·         Convert 10110101 to decimal.
    ·         What is form factor ? what is its value for sinusoidal wave? What is its significance?
    ·         How can you relate power engineering with electrical engineering?
    ·         What is the usage of a megger ?
    ·         Why AC systems are preferred over DC systems?
    ·         What is a slip in an induction motor?
    ·         Explain the application of storage batteries.
    ·         State Maximum Power Transfer theorem.

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