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For all MNC Companies eligibility

My graduation percentage is 65% and my 12th percentage is 64% but my 10th percentage is 58%. Am I eligible for accenture or for IT Sector?

  • Utkarsh
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • It is based on the /It differs from one company to /some companies keep the target of our score.based on that we are eligiblebr / 

  • A lot of students are sending us messages asking about companies that accept applications if the students have less than 60% aggregate in final year or all four years of engineering. It seems that it has become a norm for all companies coming for campus recruitment to put up an eligibility criteria of minimum 60%. Some companies go a step forward and demand more than 60 % throughout in 10th and 12th boards and even in the 4-year B.E or B.Tech /Though it might seem unfair for the students who got less marks due to some serious health issues or dropping out due to personal problems, that's how it is for most /br /Most MNCs and other IT companies do not care about 60% eligibility criteria. (at least not in your 10th or 12th boards). Though it is true that eligibility criterion varies every year from college to college depending upon the requirement of the job, over the last few years most popular companies have recruited students who have less than 60% (and even less than 50% in some cases). Names of these tech giants includes - TCS, Cognizant, Wipro, Siemens, TechMahindra, Convergys, Zensar, Accenture, HP, HCL, Dell, Lenovo etc. There are many other IT companies whose names you might not have heard yet

  • 1) A candidate must have more than 60% marks in 10th and 12th (or diploma).br /2) A candidate must have a minimum of 60% marks in /3) A maximum gap of 1 year is permissible after HSC(12th) and not after SSC(10th) or in between semesters of /4) A candidate should not have any pending backlogs at the time of appearing  for Accenture selection process.

  • No dear you are not eligible for the Accenture bcoz of your  10 th marks .. You should be above 60 % 

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