My fourth return to Dubai and I want to get something there, I need a real estate agent, which one do you recommend?

This is the 4th time that I traveled to Dubai and I fell in love with its city, I had gone with the intention of inquiring about some type of housing either to rent or depending on the price to buy, but as it happened to me the previous time I I forgot to check with the real estate agency, I get so distracted by the beautiful country that I forget, that's why I need your help. Can anyone recommend a real estate agency here that sells homes in Dubai? It can be houses or apartments, I am very interested in getting something over there

  • Steve
  • 30 Aug
  • 6 Answers
Your Answer

It is necessary to look for advertising on the Internet. There are good and large real estate agencies, that's one hundred percent. Now some agencies have become so big that they even build houses, villas and even buildings with apartments in other countries.

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