Why should we not forget positive words?
Positive thoughts improve mood and increase brain productivity, which helps people innovate. When our minds are clear and calm we can come up with unique solutions or ideas. And then there's the opposite. When your thoughts are occupied with negativity, hatred or envy, you can not focus and solve urgent problems. Tell me, even in the upbringing of a child, are positive words important and necessary? Are positive words important in communication with other people when you unintentionally say a negative rumor? Is it possible to deal with negativity?
- 6 Answers
Good and positive people and God helps you always need to be positive so it's easier to live, and negative people are eaten from the inside by a worm and life becomes even worse. Everyone has problems in life, but when you are positive, it is easier to endure any misfortune even when everything is already bad, you need to say thank you God that it is so and not worse. Everyone needs to smile often.
- 27 Sep
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