Syllabus for the placement exam in DELL.

Syllabus details.

  • Aarti
  • 13 May
  • 7 Answers
Your Answer

The test pattern includes: 
Quantitative Aptitude+ Analytical Ability+ English Language - This section consists of 45 questions each and the time durability is 60 minutes.The questions in Dell Quantitative Aptitude Section are from Topics like Algebra, Time & Distance, Speed & Distance, Profit & Loss, HCF, LCM, arithmetic, percentage, geometry etc.

Analytical Ability questions are generally of higher Level & time-consuming too. It includes questions from Topics like puzzles, syllogism, Blood relations, Data sufficiency & Pattern Recognition. 

English Language section consists of short Reading comprehension Passages. This sections also consist of basic grammar usage. This section is a higher level.
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