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What is the importance of GD round?

Will they evaluate my individual performance or only team work?

Your Answer

GD or group discussion is an important and compulsory process and round of the recruitment process in Ericsson.  Ericsson After written tests conducts GD to estimate leader ship qualities, and communication skills and team work. In this round, your individual performance as well as your coordination with the team both will evaluate by the recruitment team. In this round, your quickness, level of understanding and decision making skills will evaluate. It is an important part so does not take this round casually.  
It is a crucial round. A candidate who clears these round are only sent to technical round, here they are questioned about their core subjects, and technical skills and academic project, then final selection procedure is HR round where HR raises questions from resume so prepare resume in a manner that you can answer and impress the Interviewer.

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