what is the exam pattern for this exam?

exam pattern

6 Answers
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6 Answers
  • Exam Pattern
    There are four steps in the selection process, where there are 15 questions in total.
    Written Exam- Aptitude+ Reasoning+ Verbal
    Group Discussion
    Technical Interview
    HR Interview

  • apptitude test 
    reasoning skill
    techinical skill
    group discussion

  • Round-I
    Aptitude test:
    Quantitative aptitude:  The Quantitative ability section of Genpact placement papers will check your mathematical and analytical skills. As time provided is very limited, and questions will be mixed with verbal ability section, you have to approach the questions together.You may find questions from Probability, Number system, Algebra, DI etc.
    Reasoning  ability: The reasoning section of Genpact placement papers will check your analytical and reasoning skills.You may find questions from seating arrangement, blood relations, direction based problems, puzzles etc.
    Verbal  ability: The Verbal ability section of Genpact placement papers will check your English grammar and comprehension skills. You may find questions from Spotting Error, Filling blanks Idioms, Synonyms, Antonyms, etc.

    Group Discussion
    tech/hr interview

  • hi, Paper 1: Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability and Logical reasoning(30 questions in 60 minutes)

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