Please share some technical questions as well.

Need sample questions for Technical Interview.

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  • Practice Free Online Mock Test for HCL Placement examination. CLICK HERE to attempt.

  • Here are some 15 questions which can be asked.. 1.What development tools have you used? 2.What languages have you programmed in? 3.What source control tools have you used? 4.What are your technical certifications? 5.What do you do to maintain your technical certifications? 6.How did your education help prepare you for this job? 7.How would you rate your key competencies for this job? 8.What are your IT strengths and weaknesses? 9.Tell me about the most recent project you worked on. What were your responsibilities? 10.From the description of this position, what do you think you will be doing on a day-to-day basis? 11.What challenges do you think you might expect in this job if you were hired? 12.How important is it to work directly with your business users? 13.What elements are necessary for a successful team and why? 14.Tell me about the project you are most proud of, and what your contribution was. 15.Describe your production deployment process.

  • Technical interview Questions

    1. What is your strongest programming language (Java, ASP, C, C++, VB, HTML, C#, etc.)? 
       Point to remember: Before interview You should decide your Favorite programming language and be prepared based on that question.
    2.Differences between C and Java?
    1.JAVA is Object-Oriented while C is procedural.
    2.Java is an Interpreted language while C is a compiled language.
    3.C is a low-level language while JAVA is a high-level language.
    4.C uses the top-down approach while JAVA uses the bottom-up approach.
    5.Pointer go backstage in JAVA while C requires explicit handling of pointers.
    6.The Behind-the-scenes Memory Management with JAVA & The User-Based Memory Management in C.
    7.JAVA supports Method Overloading while C does not support overloading at all.
    8.Unlike C, JAVA does not support Preprocessors, & does not really them.
    9.The standard Input & Output Functions--C uses the printf & scanf functions as its standard input & output while JAVA uses the System.out.print & functions.
    10.Exception Handling in JAVA And the errors & crashes in C.
    3. In header files whether functions are declared or defined?
    4. What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages? 
    5. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
    6. Give two main differences between "Truncate" and "Delete".
    7. Define "Access specifies".
    8. What are BLOCK statements in SQL?
    9. What do you understand by abstract classes?

  • Sure, sharing some questions with you. Just check.
    ·         What is meant by “Class access modifiers”?
    ·         What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
    ·         What is a thread?
    ·         What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
    ·         Give two main differences between "Truncate" and "Delete".
    ·         Define "Access specifies".
    ·         What are BLOCK statements in SQL?
    ·         What is an “Abstract Class”?
    ·         What do you understand by abstract classes?
    ·         Differentiate between postfix and prefix operators.
    ·         What are some negative aspects of computer networking?
    ·         Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
    ·         Differentiate between – TCP header and UDP header
    ·         What is peep stack?
    ·         What is a foreign key?
    ·         How many ways can a variable be initialized into?
    These are the sample questions. With them, you will get an idea about the technical interview questions. But remember they are not the final questions as syllabus is very broad so just take them as a sample only. 

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