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Is 59.6% in 12th Is acceptable in Infosys??

Is The Eligibility Criteria Of 12th Percentage Less Then 60%??

  • Vibhor
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • Hi, please check out a rel='nofollow' href=""this link/a for Infosys. br /br /strongELIGIBILITY CRITERIA/strongbr /10-60% , 12-65% B tech A candidate must not have an educational break that exceeds two years.

  • The eligibiity for selection depends upon your 12th as well as the performane in your college and there should be no backlogs in your last year.

  • The eligibility criteria for Infosys is 60% throughout 10th, +12th marks. According to my knowledge freshers or experienced people with less than 60% throughout their academics are not allowed to join Infosys.

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