What is the eligibility criteria for Reliance?
What is the eligibility criteria for Reliance Placement ??????????
- 9 Answers
- 27 Sep
- 0 Comment
There are various types of jobs which has various eligibility criteria like 10th; 12th; graduation; diploma etc
- 18 Jul
- 0 Comment
minimum 60% in 10th, 12th and graduation. One year gap is allowed.br /After that you have to pass some tests like; Technical, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning.br /
- 16 Jul
- 0 Comment
customer services sales and maketing developers and engineers jio services e.t.c
- 14 Jul
- 0 Comment
hello am saying that..elibulity criteria reliance jio:the candatitate gets minimum 60% aggerate over all semister..are elibible for reliancebr /thank you
- 09 Jul
- 0 Comment
It depends on your job, i mean which type for jon need to do in Reliance.br /Because they are devides the work in different different strams like-br /customer servicesbr /sales and maketingbr /developers and engineersbr /jio services e.t.cbr / strongso the minimum qualification is 10th or 12th class with 60% , this job is for jio services./strongbr /then if you want to work as engineer and developer the it needs 60-65% minimum is your degree(like-BE/BTECH)br /br /i hope it's useful for you br /thankyoubr /
- 06 Jul
- 0 Comment
I have found information about 2016 pass out eligibility criteria. Hope this is helpful :)br /br /Company website: www.jio.combr /Job Title: GETbr /Criteria: B.Tech ( CS,IT,EC & ET )br / Eligibility Criteria: 10th with 60%br / 12th with 60%br / B.Tech with 60%br /No year drops during Engineering br /Salary : 3.5 LPA Skills br /Required : Logical thinking, Learnability, Awareness about latest IT / Telecom technologies and trends.br /br /
- 28 Jun
- 1 Comment
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