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what is the selection process?

can i apply directly ?

  • Tanuja
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
  • Hiring Rounds:br /1. Written exambr /2. GDbr /3. HR interviewbr /For more details, check a rel='nofollow' href=""Tata Motors About/a.

  • Short listing candidates on the basis of aggregate percentage = 65%. Step 2: Written test which was mostly technical with both - multiple choice objective.. Step 4: Technical interview which again, was mostly technical. Step 5: HR is the condition for on campus requirements... Nd off campus requirements u can directly apply..

  • Hi Tanuja Gopalasetti!This is Neeraj Atluri.For the test pattern,test syllabus,selection process go with youth4work preparation for tata motors.The test will be taken place in 2 rounds mainly else if 3.Aptitude or Online exam round,HR round.If them want to filter more number of students they will add Group Discussion round.So this is about  selection process inTML exam.

  • strongIt depends. But they have below process for selection:/strongbr /Step 1: Short listing candidates on the basis of aggregate percentage till 3rd year (it was annual pattern back then) >= /br /Step 2: Written test which was mostly technical with both - multiple choice objective and descriptive questions. There were few 'what if' question to gauge the aptitude. I don't remember any puzzles like the IT companies had back /br /Step 3: Group discussions on a policy or technical decision to be /br /Step 4: Technical interview which again, was mostly technical. But a senior HR sat through it and asked couple of question regarding career /br /Step 5: HR interview which now focused on personal data collection. End of this round, offer letter would be given which is subject to qualifying medical /br /Step 6: Medical test which was quite detailed than routine and people did get disqualified for minor reasons - almost military-like.

  • ok thnx

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