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Find Error in the following sentence:

In the following sentence you're asked to find error if any:- Where your house is known to me.

  • Aditya
  • 10 Answers
10 Answers
  • instead of where it should be whether and instead instbr /ed of full stop there  should be question mark

  • the following sentence:br /Where your house is known to /it should be Whether instead of where,br /So the error here is that,br /Whether your house is known to me?

  • whether should be there instead of where.

  • weather your house is known to me

  • whether will come in place of where

  • whether your house is known to mebr / 

  • Whether your house is known to me

  • whether your house is known to me?

  • Yeah..whether

  • Instead of Where , Whether will come

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