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Is Walmart a good choice for our new generations i.e kids?

please tell about making the choice for Walmart the best for kids over other brands or not.

  • Akshita
  • 7 Answers
7 Answers
  • I would like to give a recommendation to parents on how to monitor their child's smartphone remotely, and without their knowledge. This is necessary to ensure the safety of the child and this site a rel='nofollow' href="" makes announcements about programs that can covertly give you such access!div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 80.0938px;"div class="gtx-trans-icon" /div/div

  • With a little over three months until Christmas, we want to help parents get ahead of the holiday hunt for the hottest toys and find the best deals,” said Anne Marie Kehoe, vice president of toys at Walmart U.S. in a company press release. “We narrowed down hundreds of toys to the top 25 we know kids will love.” Not surprisingly, there's some overlap with competitor Amazon's list of top toys, but there's also some interesting–and exclusive–standouts

  • yes

  • Yes it is good choice for kids.As everyone knows everything has some prons and according to me Walmart is better choice for new generation .everything will get available within four wall and short time span. One of the positive thing about Walmart is it is very cost efficient but one of the important thing is we have to carry purchasing cards.there are very cheap priced as compare to market prices. Mostly I have listen that Walmart are more useful and effective to the shopkeepers of retail stores. It is beneficial for shopkeepers of retail stores.

  • yes walmart may prove to be the best choice for the kids and adults as well , because it provides the goods and services under one roof we dont have to go from one corner of city to another . Whereas for kids it provides a unique variety of toys as compared to other stores.

  • Best Choice for our upcoming generation. Well it both has its negative side and its positive side. Positive is that you get everything inside four walls. but the experience of going to the local market, knowing about the world wont happen in Walmart. So it actually one's choice what to chose and what not to.!

  • This thing is depend upon us. If we keep our new generation kids under our guide then it will be beneficial for them.

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