DBMS (Database Management System) Test Details

Database Management System is computer software to manage data. It provides users with a systematic way to create, store, and manage data. It records data field names, structures, and files. Some examples of DBMS are MySQL, Oracle, FoxPro, etc. There are four database organizations are Relational, Flat, Object-oriented, and Hierarchical database. The database management system test is an online test for placements. This comes under technical round as job interview, written test, and other examination. Candidates are advised to prepare well from the previous year's question papers.

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Key Highlight
of Database Management System
Number of Sections:
Introduction Entity Relationship Model Relational Model Relational Algebra Functional Dependencies Normalisation Transactions and Concurrency Control SQL File Organisation Indexing Transactions and Concurrency Control


  • Introduction

  • Entity-Relationship Model

  • Relational Model

  • Relational Algebra

  • Functional Dependencies

  • Normalization

  • Transactions and Concurrency Control

  • SQL

  • File Organisation

  • Indexing

  • Transactions and Concurrency Control

Tips and Tricks

  • Candidates must attempt multiple choice questions carefully.

  • Candidates must attempt to revise all database concepts.

  • Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.

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