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What are the extra courses required to get a core job in ECE?

What are the extra courses required to get a core job in Electronic and Communication Engineering ? Will courses in robotics, embedded systems, MATLAB, etc. be helpful?

  • Sajal
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
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  • It's great that these courses can help you find a job. This is especially important for me right now. I am looking for a job and writing a resume. And smart resume review was just a godsend for me in this matter I realized how important it is to prepare well and understood how to do it.

  • 1.Digital and analog VLSI design In present technology revolution,in every electronic products like mobiles,computers so on. Contains a chip which are based on VLSI technology.So this is one of the highly demanded course. 2.Embedded systems In our daily life,we use so many mechanical and electronic devices to make our work faster and easier like washing machine,lifts,escalator,pages,micro ovens etc.. so to do those works we need some processors which works for only a particular applications ie.., like washing machine which only used to wash the clothes.To develop those type of applications we need to embedded some logical programs in processors which is written in the basic embedded program which is similar to C to develop those type of applications most of IT companies need engineers who have sound knowledge in hardware and software design. 3.Computer networking and system security Cisco is one of the leading producer of routers,and so many companies need network engineers to design the network and to secure the information from threats.Networking and system security is to address the industry needs of security aware network and system administrators. 4.Wireless networks/Telecom: As we know how the telecom or wireless industries are growing fast as the usability of the wireless equipment by the user is growing so,to meet the user standards these companies required talented peoples in these domain. 5.Digital signal processing applications: It has also an equal importance in the industry to embedded systems.Here this course used to develop some signal processing applications. 6.PLC/SCADA/DCS: I don’t have much knowledge on this course,but now a days its also becoming popular.

  • ECE certificate training courses to get an opportunities in core /strong1. Digital and Analog VLSI Designbr /2. Embedded Systemsbr /3. Computer Networking and System Security/strongbr /strong style="background-attachment:initial; background-clip:initial; background-image:initial; background-origin:initial; background-position:0px 0px; background-repeat:initial; background-size:initial; border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; color:rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family:verdana,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-weight:700; margin:0px; outline:0px; padding:0px; text-align:justify; vertical-align:baseline"4. Wireless networks/Telecombr /5. Digital signal processing /br /and many more.../strongbr / 

  • depends upon your target - If company is using robotics and matlab then they look for skills in matlab/ /br /I can tell you about embedded as I work in a company which focus on embedded designs. We never hire students with extra embedded course as over time we have realised that all embedded courses are just useless. They teach such an old technology that it takes us time to force freshers to unlearn it. br /br /We prefer freshers doing embedded during their four years of engineering on their own. It is practice and passion and not the "knowledge" acquired from the training /br /(I am representing startups working in embedded. This may be useful if you are looking for job with startups in embedded field) br / 

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electronics and communication engineering