What is the difference between electronics and electrical engineering ?
What exactly electronics is differs from electrical ? Is there any major diffenences?
- 1 Answers
ELECTRICAL was in use back in the 19th century and did not use active devices like vacuum tubes and semiconductors. ELECTRICAL is not about power, nor is it defined by the use of voltages, currents, magnetic fields, or alternating and direct current - but about the use of ELECTRICITY as an energy source. Electrical is the use of Electricity. Take note of the word etymology- ElectricAL. The Latin AL definition, is a suffix with the general sense, of the kind of, pertaining to, or connected with ELECTRIC Energy.
Originally all ELECTRICAL only used Direct Current and Batteries, until Nikola Tesla came on the scene and changed it all; - around the very late 19th century when he pushed the use of AC against Westinghouse’s DC model. Based on what I have just said - a Thunder Storm Cloud is an electrical device found in nature, as is a Piezo Quartz Crystal, and the Electric Eel which swims in the Ocean. they all use electricity as a energy source and also generate their own electricity internally.
ELECTRONICS is a word that was coined back in the early 20th century as a new branch of physics. Electronics did not truly come to the fore until Marconi, Flemming and Deforest developed the VALVE around 1906. Yet the humble Light Globe is also a vacuum valve ( called a Monode ) and was developed by Edison in the 1880’s.
ELECTRONICS is as it says ELECTRON(ics); and is the study of ELECTRON flow in circuit; - not Protons, not Nuetrons not Nuclear partials but - ELECTRONS. The ICS definition, means a suffix of nouns that denote a body of facts, knowledge, principles, etc. So ElectronICS is the body of facts, knowledge and principles pertaining to ELECTRONS.
Electronics incorporates ANY DEVICE such as a switch, a transformer, a semiconductor, or anything, in which ELECTRONS that make up the current, voltage and magnetic field, can be manipulated.
ELECTRONICS is a specific branch of PHYSICS and so technically speaking all Electronics Technicians and Engineers are working in that niche area of Physics. I can’t say that for electricians as many grapple and fail to understand the depth of Electronics.
- 23 Jul
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