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Electronic Devices

What are the best books for electronic devices preparations?

Please suggest some good books to study for electronic devices preparations.


Explain each term with their symbols and applications. Also tell about their working.

What is is circuit? Explain it's type and also tell why circuit designing is important?

What is the difference between analog and digital circuit? Explain with examples

What is amplifier? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Explain the amplifier with its type. Also, explain the working of the differential amplifier.

What is the use of diode and what are its applications?

Explain the term diode with its working. What are the types of diode? .Also, tell about its applications in general life.

What is transistor and thyristor?

Explain the working of transistor and thyristor with their symbols. Also,tell about their applications.

How to design Electronics devices ?

Electronics devices tips

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Electronic Devices