Can I study IPCC after completing my degree
is it better to go with IPCC rather than completing CPT exam
- 2 Answers
2 Answers
- What is the eligibility criteria for PCC Exam??
- Tips for PCC - Professional Competence Course
- Please suggest a good Study plan for PCC Exam.
- For A.Y. 2011-12 maximum allowable deduction (including 80CCF) under section 80 C is ?
- what is the objective of issuing bonus shares?
- What is the last date to apply for PCC Entrance Examination, please let me know.
- What is the eligibility for IPCC of CA? How many subjects are there in IPCC exam?
- How many attempts are allowed for IPCC exam?
- I Am a ipcc old syllabus student . i cleared my group 1 in may ,17 and didn't even attempt group 2 in nov ,17 nor in may,18 due to some personal reason and now i think to give in nov ,18 but
- where could we find answers for answered wrong answers
Practice Mock Test
ipcc integrated professional competency course
actually you can take up this CA inter exam directly after completing your bcom degree but you have to do articleship for 9 months