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hello myself Preethi. I am planning to give xamz June 2018. I'm also currently to manage along with job. I don't get time to go for classes. n I'm planning for self study.can anyone help me

CS xamz

  • Preethi
  • 8 Answers
8 Answers
  • For Tax & related doubts what's app me on 8096362599

  • same situation

  • very similar situation and nervous already.

  • Ms.Preethi passing executive is not so tough only thing is that u have plan the study well

  • yes you can do but also see to it that be sure in clearing bcuz new syllabus is proposed to be implemented from Dec 2018


  • i can help you


  • yea u can u have now 9 months so u refere n.s zad books its helpfull to clear go to thise link and u can buy good books a target="_blank" href=" executive december 2017&index=aps&camp=3638&creative=24630&linkCode=ur2&linkId=7cfbcb5c77b5d47600542fa9b9a24031"Cs executive december 2017/aimg src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /

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