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Is there any (-)marks in NDA?

please answer

  • Pavan
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • yes, there is the negative marks for your every incorrect /0.33 marks is deducted for every wrong answer.

  • Yes there is negative marking like other competitive exams deducted 0.33 marks for every incorrect answers

  • yes there is negative marking

  • yes there is a negative marking like other competitive exambr /br /=1)there are 4 alternatives for the answers to every questions,so every wrong answer there is .33 marks deducted to that particular questionbr /br /2)if the candidate give more than 1 answer,then it would be treated as wrong answer,even 1 of the answer given by the candidate is right,will be treated as penaltybr /br /3)if blank answer is given i.e left blank by the candidate then no marks would be given to that questionbr /br /question paper pattern=br /br /maths=300 marksbr /br /general ability=600 marks(physics,chemistry,history,geography,current events)br / 


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