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Which colleges accept IIT JAM scores for M.Sc.

want to know which institutes accept jam exam scores to provide admission for masters

  • Shalini
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
  • Hi,br /IIT JAM exam is one of the prestigious exams of India. This exam is conducted for MSc admissions in top technical institutes of India i.e. IIT's, NIT's, IISc, etc. Students who completed their bachelors and willing to pursue MSc course from these top institutes can appear in this /Colleges that accept IIT JAM score includes All IITs, All NITs,  IISc Bangalore,  IISER, etc. There are few more a rel='nofollow' target="_blank" href=""JAM low-rank institutes/a that accept the score. You should check the eligibility criteria of each institute before applying as an individual institute might have different criteria or selection process.

  • Following institutes accepts  IIT JAM scores:br /IIT BOMBAYbr /IIT DELHIbr /IIT Guwahatibr /IIT Kanpurbr /IIT Madrasbr /IIT Kharagpurbr /IIT Hyderabadbr /IIT Indorebr /IIT Roorkeebr /IIT Bhubaneswarbr /IIT Patnabr /IIT Roorkeebr /IIT Jodhpurbr /br /ISM Dhanbadbr /br /Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpurbr /National Institute of Technology, Agartalabr /Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technologybr /National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradeshbr /National Institute of Technology, Calicutbr /National Institute of Technology, Durgapurbr /National Institute of Technology, Meghalayabr /National Institute of Technology, Hamirpurbr /Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipurbr /National Institute of Technology, Jalandharbr /National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpurbr /Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjabbr /National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappallibr /National Institute of Technology, Surathkalbr /National Institute of Technology, Manipurbr /National Institute of Technology, Meghalayabr /National Institute of Technology, Nagalandbr /Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpurbr /National Institute of Technology, Rourkelabr /National Institute of Technology, Sikkimbr /National Institute of Technology, Silcharbr /National Institute of Technology, Srinagarbr /National Institute of Technology, Warangal

  • Hello,br /br /Below are the institutes that accepts stronga rel='nofollow' target="_blank" href=""IIT JAM/a/strong scores:br /br /IIT Bombaybr /IIT Bhubaneswarbr /IIT Delhibr /IIT Gandhinagarbr /IIT Guwahatibr /IIT Hyderabadbr /IIT Indorebr /IIT Jodhpurbr /IIT Kanpurbr /IIT Kharagpurbr /IIT Madrasbr /IIT Patnabr /IIT Roorkeebr /IIT Roparbr /NIT AGARTALAbr /MNNIT ALLAHABADbr /NIT ARUNACHAL PRADESHbr /NIT CALICUTbr /NIT DURGAPURbr /MNIT JAIPUR            br /NIT JALANDHARbr /NIT JAMSHEDPURbr /NIT MANIPURbr /NIT NAGALANDVbr /NIT NAGPURbr /NIT ROURKELA         br /NIT SILCHARbr /NIT SRINAGAR, J&Kbr /NIT WARANGALbr /SLIET PUNJAB

  • The following Colleges accept IIT-JAM MS Scores :-br /IIT Kanpur for MSc in Statisticsbr /IIT Bombay for MSc in Applied Statistics and Informatics and Integrated PhD in Operations Researchbr /IIT Roorkee for MSc Economicsbr /IIT Bhubaneswar for Integrated PhD in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciencesbr /NIT Nagaland for MSc in Data Analyticsbr /NIT Arunachal Pradesh MSc in Mathematics and Computingbr /NIT Arunachal Pradesh MSc in Mathematical Research in Engineering and Technologybr /IISc Bangalore for Integrated PhD in Mathematical Sciencesbr /IISER Pune for Integrated PhD in Mathematical Sciencesbr /IISER Bhopal for Integrated PhD in Mathematical Sciencesbr /IISER Mohali for Integrated PhD in Mathematical Sciencesbr /NOTE:br /1.Eligibility Criteria for emeach /emcourse can be different, and can change from year to year so check it on the JAM information brochure for that respective /2.Application process for different Institutes are conducted independently. For example you can apply for all the IITs together,all NITs together, but you’ll have to apply for each IISER separately. They are Independent in the sense they’ll have their own last date for application, fees of application form etc. So you’ll have to take care of it and check for it yourself. JAM website only notifies on applications for IITs.

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