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Mechanical engineering


  • Rajeev
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • what you meant by this question if you want to know the scope of mechanical engineering then i would suggest it is an evergreen branch .as automobile industry  have bright future so the job opportunity in mechanical field would be high in  the upcoming time ,mechanical engineering field have lots of job opportunities in psu (public sector undertakings).if you have interest in mechanics then you should try to opt for this you will use matlab ,autocad software in this field to build and design vehicles,mechanical engineering field have lots of competition like ,BAJA ,EFFICYCLES,SUPRA etc there you got lot of exposure

  • For gernal candidate 65% to 73% For OBC 60 to 70% For SC 55 to 60%

  • what is cut off for this year

  • Rrb sse

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