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When we already have C language then why C++?

How C++ eliminate the limitation felt while developing in C language?

  • Adesh
  • 6 Answers
6 Answers
  • We all know that basically C++ is derived from C programming language. The main cause for which to develop another language when there was already C is, it has many advantages over C. First of all C++ is an object oriented language ( including four basic OOP principals inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction and encapsulation. ) It is a highly portable language with having a rich function library and it also supports GUI. That is why it is a choice for multi-device, multi-platform app development. Another thing is C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types where C supports only built-in data types.

  • C is procedure language whereas c++ is both procedure and object oriented programming language.

  • C++ is object oriented whereas C is notbr / C is not a secure programming language by any stretch of the imagination; no bounds checking on arrays leads to lots of exploitable behavior (be it through the now-dead gets function, or through scanf with the %s and %[ conversion specifiers). C++ at least gives you containers that throw exceptions if you try to access outside their currently defined range; all C gives you is (if you're lucky) a segmentation violation.

  • Today there are 200+ programming languages, each with its unique feature and application domain. br /br /C++ is a super set of C, i.e., it consists of all the features of programming language-C and contain some unique features too. C++ has higher level of abstraction than C, which make it an easy choice for programmers where large and complex codes have to be written, for example in gaming industries, writing compiler programs, in advance computation (however now Python is used widely for computing and scientific purposes). C still holds its charm, due to lower level of abstraction this language requires less resources for computing and development of new languages and tools. For example MATLAB is written in C language, while Photoshop in C++. Programs written in C++ have better GUI while C is comparably simple and machine oriented.

  • There are various reasons why C++ was developed.C++ is said to be the extended version of C but it's a bit different in terms of syntax and other functionalties.Below are some reasons/benefits of C++br /1.C++ is a highly portableme/em language and is often the language of choice for multi-device, multi-platform app /2.C++ is an object-oriented programming languageem /emand includes classes, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction and /3.C++ has a rich function /4.C++ allows exception handling, and function overloading which are not possible in /5.C++ is a powerful, efficient and fast language. It finds a wide range of applications – from GUI applications to 3D graphics for games to real-time mathematical /Although C++ is extension of C but it is considered as a different programming languauge.

  • Every one is confused about this doubt of why the c++ is? When the C language is developed there was no use of mouse so  c language we cannot use mouse to control it and C++ provides more lirary files to learn and shorten the long programs by providing some simple codes. We can operate the C++ language easily and comfortly.

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