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MCA student better than Computer Science and Engineering student?


  • Shreya
  • 13 Answers
13 Answers
  • No, you can't just said this straight coz' it's depends on the student and University .br /So, there is a big No for you /br / 

  • MCA students can deals with software and hardware implementations and functions but coming to Computer Science and Engineering students they are technical good which is related to the hardware ad software.MCA student knows the theory part of software and hardware more than a Computer Science and Engineering student.But Computer Science students they knows the technical implementation is more and strong than MCA students.It means there is no comparison between these students they good at what they interest.They have equal jobs based on his talents.

  • both student better because both have relative skill in computer and it's depend on you how many knowledge you have.

  • Actually I'm a B.E CSE Student and In our college very few students of MCA are good. This students having that much knowledge to campare them with B.Tech CSE Students.

  • B.E  is a profeesional course .We can even pursue MCA after completing our BE.When we study MCA alone we will not be able to know about the electronics and digitals in /So I prefer BE to MCA.

  • no

  • talent,knowledge is infinite they don't have particular domain don't compare with their degree sun and Moon shines whent their time comes don't compare everything is unique in their own way

  • yes

  •  It's not good to judge people/student based on their degree. Everyone are better in their own feild.

  • As per the syllabus of B tech and MCA concerned they both have same syllabus whereas B tech has advantage of engineering basics and soft skills in First year and also depends on ones knowledge but majority of better is with CS B. tech

  • mca

  • u r thinking not GD becz engineers are always royals in any subject ??????

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computer science and engineering