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Army Public School Exam Scorecard shows PRT instead PGT.

I have given army public school exam for PGT (Computer Science & Informatics) and I am confident that I would pass Part B as I give the exam but my scorecard shows that it is PRT and part B is 'NA' Now what I do? If I go for PRT then there is a condition that candidate must have B.ed/2yrs diploma but I have not any B.ed/2yrs diploma then what will I do now?

  • Somnath
  • 3 Answers
3 Answers
  • In whatever post have you applied for is not countable to prepare the merit list. According to the score they prepare the list. If a candidate crack both papers only then he is eligible for pgt/tgt according to their preference. But if one cracks only first paper he is eligible for part inspire of their different preference(pgt/tgt).

  • Even I am facing the same problem.. what to do now..??

  • for pgt also b.ed is must..

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army welfare education society (awes) pgt tgt prt