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Practice Tests for Basic Engineering Bsnl

Improve your overall grasp over Applied Mathematics, try these set of well-crafted questions and know how much preparation is needed to achieve a great score in upcoming BSNL JTO selection exam.

You can gain useful insights by attempting these Basic Engineering MCQs on Digital Techniques as it will let you know about the type of questions and exam pattern of BSNL JTO recruitment examinations.

Physics is an important section to clear BSNL JTO Selection Exam. You can overcome your short-comings with regular practising at the online testing platform, Youth4Work! Take this mock test to start your preparation.

Have a shot at this Basic Engineering practice test for BSNL JTO recruitment on Electronic Devices and Circuits and get an accurate report of your performance in this mock test afterwards!

This online mock test is based on Basic Electricity concepts; you can refresh your understanding for the upcoming BSNL JTO selection exam with free practicing at!

General awareness

Quantitative Aptitude

Verbal Ability

Financial Management


Basic Engineering