3 Answers
- Is there any sectional cut off marks?
- Please suggest a good Study plan for Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam.
- Language of ib pre exam?
- I want Telugu language....???????
- can i give exam in English or hindi??????what is the language of tier-1 exam of 2018?????
- what is the actual cut off for this exam this year or previous...plz tell if snybdy knows..
- Intelligence Bureau EXAM notification -2017
- What is the meaning of Intelligence Bureau? What is an ACIO?
- next IB ACIO recruitment kab hoga ??
- physical fitness is most important for ib officers?? anyone please give me a answer!
Practice Mock Test
intelligence bureau acio
If possible purchase R.S Agarwal or Arun Sharma's maths book , their books are written in detailed and very effective