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Can someone elaborate the pay grade one receive being a teacher in the KV Sangathan?

Pay Grade for KVS teacher

  • Vishal
  • 3 Answers
3 Answers
  • strongThe grade pay for KVS Teachers:/strongbr /For PRT: Basic Pay is Rs. 9300 - 34800br /and with all the allowances provided the total approximate net salary for KVS PRT is Rs. 37000br /For PGT: Basic Pay is Rs. 9300 - 34800br /and with all the allowances provided the total approximate net salary for KVS PGT is Rs. 48000 - 50000br /For TGT: Basic Pay is Rs. 9300 - 34800br /and with all the allowances provided the total approximate net salary for KVS TGT is Rs. 45000 - 470000

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