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a train of length 150 meter cross a man in 6 second, who runs at speed of 6km/hr. train speed?

explain solution

  • Himanshi
  • 11 Answers
11 Answers
  • 31

  • 84 km/hr...Bcz...Crossing at same direction.

  • 96 km/yr if the direction of train n man is opposite ,84km/hr direction is same


  • 90

  • 90

  • first u tell in which direction the man was running , I mean in the direction of train or against the direction of train......

  • If same direction then answer is 96 km/hr if opposite direction then answer is 84 km/hr

  • 96


  • which one is correct

  • 96km/hr. Let the man be in rest. So train relative velocity=150/6=90km/hr So total speed of train =90+6=96km/hr *If the direction of both train and man are same

  • Let the speed of the train be x km/hrbr /Relative speed = (x+6) km/hr = [(x+6)×5/18][(x+6)×518] m/secbr /150/6=(x+6)×5/18 or 5x+30=450 or x = 84 km/hr

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