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Asdc Automotive Skills Development Council

Is this AST L4 diploma?


is diploma engineering is equivalent to intermediate? pls justify.

in any job notification , write qualifications about inter or its equivalent. so I don't understand which type of course is equivalent to intermediate?

Please add Automotive Engine Repair Technician Level 4 questions

there is no any questions about Automotive Engine Repair Technician Level 4 Syllabus.. Please add for same

assistant electrician questions

fully solved

Please add Automotive Automation Level 5 questions

B Voc degree course of nsdc I, II and III YEAR of all Level each year questions of NSS for practices are necessary so please add practice question papers as early as possible

Add manager customer quality QP Test

Add me customer Quality manager QP Test Questions and answers

when new questions add in this app automotive service Technician 2 and 3wheeler,and 4 wheeler

quickly answers me please thank you I already upgrade this app for 6 month s

how could I start this institute in my premises

I have space to start this institute, please suggest where I will go and how I start it

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Asdc Automotive Skills Development Council