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what is email?

electronic mail

  • Neha
  • 17 Answers
17 Answers


  • Amit

  • email is a electronic mail. link b/ w 2/more persons to send & receives messages & medias like images, files, document

  • electronic mail

  • electronic mail

  • 1) an email is an abbreviation of electronic mail (e-mail) which replaced the regular postal mail decades ago 2) it has two parts to it. these two parts are known as alias & domain. both these are placed before and after the @ character. 3) email subscriber can choose both the alias & domain as per availability

  • 7

  • Electronic mail

  • emstrongElectronic mail/strong/em (email) is a digital mechanism for exchanging messages through Internet or intranet communication /Email messages are relayed through email servers, which are provided by all Internet service providers (ISP).br /Emails are transmitted between two dedicated server folders: sender and recipient. A sender saves, sends or forwards email messages, whereas a recipient reads or downloads emails by accessing an email /Email messages are comprised of three components, as follows:br /-Message envelope: Describes the email’s electronic formatbr /-Message header: Includes sender/recipient information and email subject linebr /-Message body: Includes text, image and file attachments

  • E-mail means Electronic Mail, which has a protocol in backend like SMTP. Mails can be sent from one domain to another domain. Mails are usually used for sending information, writing letters, conversations, sending small files, photos etc

  • E Mail stands by Electronic Mail which Post message one place to another place by internet. it save your time.

  • email (Electronic Mail) is a system of exchanging messages (strongmail) /strongbetween people using electronic devices.

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  • shubham


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  • messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.

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