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what is responsibility of ddeo

aarti verma

  • Aarti
  • 11 Answers
11 Answers
  • enoveshan ka work karna ye athourti he aapke pas to use riseponsbility

  • the data entry operators is responsible for performing data entry work using a personal computer and appropriate software verify or retrieving data into from various system and ensuring the accuracy and confidentiality of informing recorded.

  • enter the data truly and confidence for data

  • hard copy to convert soft copy

  • domestic Data entry operator

  • Data entry operator is a person who is individual responsibility for his daily work and report. He transforming data from customer side to office side with hundred percent accuracy and using menium time.

  • Domestic Data Entry Operator

  • update database time to time

  • self update enter data in computer

  • domastic data entry operater

  • to enter the data into computer,sort and update and have confifential

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