1 Answers
- 07 Jul
- 0 Comment
- Are female candidates also hired just as their male counterparts?
- What is the eligibility criteria to apply for the placements of ACC Concrete Ltd.?
- ACC CONCRETE LTD PAPERS - Preparation Tips ,Tricks ,Cracks ,Dos & Don's ?
- I had signed an employment bond for certain years, but now I wish to leave the company. What is the best way of dealing with this situation?
- What is the exam pattern of ACC Concrete LTD. Placements?
- Where can I find the good books for ACC Concrete Ltd?
- What is the ACC Coastal Plus Concrete mixing ratio for a bag?
- Plz tell me about the major technologies they use in their organization?
- how they select new candidates? direct interview?
- Should I buy ACC shares now, for a long-term purpose?
Practice Mock Test
acc concrete ltd
strongRecruitment/strong: written test + interview + Written Test:br /Sections covered: Aptitude, Reasoning and Technical Testbr /Total questions: 120 (30 each from Technical and Aptitude & 60 from Reasoning)br /Total Time: 90 minutes (30 minutes to each section)